This post covers a few of the random things we saw and enjoyed while in Paris.

While in Paris we realised that despite the microwave-size of our oven, it had a rotissery function! One night while my aunt was visiting we decided to give it a whirl and picked up two little coquelets (tiny chickens) at the shop and Graham set to work getting them ready for roasting!

Me preparing fresh green beans to have with the coquelet.
The next random thing that we saw was the Paris Plage. Every July a "beach" is set up along the banks for the Seine with umbrellas, tanning chairs, the works. Except no swimming. Strange but kind of fun. Unfortunately the weather was never nice enough for us to try it out.
This isn't random so much as awesome. It's a detail small shot of the Pompidou Modern Art Gallery. The building is designed with all of the "insides" on the outside. HVAC ducts, water pipes, stairs, escalators, everything. It is so interesting to look at.
New York? Nope, just a replica located on the Ile aux Cygnes quite close to the Eiffel Tower. We were walking across the Grenelle Bridge one evening and noticed it. Apparently it is just one of many replicas.
Other random things that we noticed but which don't have pictures to accompany them:
1. A man using Coca-Cola as suntanning lotion. Yep, he poured some into his hand and rubbed it all over his body. The bees, my God the bees!!
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